Our vision is to make the world a better place, where all can flourish, and to help organisations evolve and grow their positive impact.
To release peoples’ passion and purpose, revitalise their brands,
and build confident, high-performing cultures.
Purpose Driven
We believe that when you put purpose and meaning at the heart of what you do, you create a business that can change the world.
This is why Pentameter was born, to release people’s passion and purpose, then enable them to transform this into an amazing and powerful future.
Co-creative Change
Co-creation (literally meaning 'creating something together') is aimed at making the design process accessible to non-designers. It is a high participation and social process that epitomises our philosophy and practice for productive and creative working with clients and their customers.
Systems Design
We believe successful organisations of the future will be understood as complex living organisms consisting of 'whole' people within the context of community - not cogs within processes on an organisation chart.
We focus inquiry on what is life-giving, energising, joyful and fun.
Digital Innovation
Digital technologies are evolving faster than most organisations can embrace, despite the substantial opportunities. Pentameter supports organisations through the journey that establishes effective, open and participative 21st century culture and communications.

+ Photography by Rob Evans
Culture Change Process
Our positive, whole systems approach builds on an organisation's strengths.
First we guide people to discover, rediscover or clarify their purpose. Then with the widest participation, we use invigorating, playful and innovative techniques; that allow people to build confidence, release creativity and move away from fixed problem-orientated mindsets.
Perception Shift
Here we co-innovate and visualise possible futures that in themselves create perception shifts, allowing people to embody change with immediate effect. Vision, ideas and the development of key stories are mapped out, shared and celebrated.
Ideas for changes, new products or services are designed and prototyped to manifest truly meaningful experiences.